Thoughts and Insights from a Christian Reiki Master

Hello Huntsville and surrounding areas! My name is Nadine Wormsbacher, and I am a Christian, licensed massage therapist and Reiki Master, in the Jin Kei Do tradition.  I have created this site to educate people, especially Christians,  about Reiki and how they can benefit from it.

Many people I speak with with have a fundamental misunderstanding of Reiki based on something they read on the internet or exposure to someone who has combined new age, occult, or shamanic concepts into their Reiki practice. There are Reiki masters who have integrated outside information to their teachings in order to create their own “brand” of Reiki. Unfortunately, these masters are not educating their students as to what materials are from Mikao Usui, the originator of Reiki, and which are from new age, the occult, or shamanic teachings. Some of the masters may not even realize that what they are teaching was not included in the Reiki system as taught by Usui.

Although Usui was a Buddhist, Reiki is not a practice based on the Buddhist faith and does not require any belief in the Buddhist faith. We know that Usui was educated as a doctor in both Eastern and Western healing techniques and he was a consistent meditator (meditation is also used by Christians). As a doctor, he also knew about, and most likely practiced qigong, an ancient Chinese healthcare system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intention into a type of moving meditation for healing.

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that includes daily self treatment, meditation, and qigong to balance the body, mind and spirit. Practicing Reiki expands your awareness of the soft voice of God, which is often difficult to hear because it is drowned out by distractions from the world around us. Our Reiki practice trains us to calm and focus our minds, despite distractions or upsetting circumstances.